Sustainable business practices

For ZANDIX sustainable development is since several years part to the strategy. To concretise this we meet the requirements of the CO2 performance ladder (

The CO2 performance ladder

The CO2 performance ladder is a tool to encourage companies to be aware of their CO2 emissions both in its business operations as in the execution of projects and to be permanently on the lookout for new ways to save energy, reduction of CO2-emission and to use renewable energy. 

 In accordance with the requirements of the CO2 performance ladder, ZANDIX has inventoried its CO2 emissions and there are some reduction targets with the associated reduction measures formulated.

  1. CO2-emissie inventaris
    1. CO2-emissie inventaris 2020
    2. CO2-emissie inventaris 2021
    3. CO2-emissie inventaris 2022
  2. Energiebeoordeling
    1. Energiebeoordeling 2020
    2. Energiebeoordeling 2021
    3. Energiebeoordeling 1ste helft 2022
    4. Energiebeoordeling 2022
    5. Energiebeoordeling 1e helft 2023
  3. Energiemanagement actieplan
  4. CO2-emissie reductie rapport
  5. Intern communicatieplan
  6. Extern communicatieplan
  7. CO2-participatie rapport
  8. Zandix CO2 beleidsverklaring
  9. CO2-bewust certificaat